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The Student News Site of John Dewey High School

The Dragon's Den

The Dragon's Den

Club Closeup!

Solange Stewart
Model UN Advisor Mr. Mohan with a member of the club, Jolie Lei.

Clubs at John Dewey have skyrocketed in comparison to last year, as they’ve certainly have sparked more conversation this year. Someone can easily get overwhelmed with the many choices. Each more different than the last. There’s Culinary club, for the students interested in cooking, Gardening Club, and new clubs like Journalism club, Anime club, Model UN, and so many more!

These clubs didn’t just appear because of the teachers who run them. Earth Science and Forensic teacher Mr. Mohan said that he started the Model UN club, because two students approached him and they needed an advisor. That’s how most of the clubs here at John Dewey High School started. The students advocated for themselves and with the help of teachers brought their ideas to life.

The Model UN club is about celebrating cultures, debating, and finding solutions to problems. If you’re interested in becoming a lawyer (for example) Model UN could be for you. Or more directly, Mock Trial which is essentially debating as a lawyer would. Model UN club goals are to go to competitions and go toe to toe with other schools clubs. If you have a competitive spirit, Model UN is definitely for you. Mr.Mohan also stated that the club is a really fun place and you can learn conflict resolution, public speaking, “it’s cool to compete with each other”. Although the club discusses some heavy topics, everyone feels safe and welcome, “I have a zero tolerance policy for nonsense, I hope anyone interested feels comfortable coming, and takes part.”

Model UN’s club founder and president, Meishan Manuel is a senior. She created the club so she could have something for her college applications and mainly because her vice president, junior Nazifa Nubah, had the idea to create a Model UN club. Since Nubah is a junior, Manuel proceeded to create the club and Nubah plans to continue it next year when she becomes a senior. Manuel stated that “Model United Nations is about representing different countries and exploring different cultures. We do debates based on various topics and voice our opinions.” Speaking about why the club is good fit for many students, Manuel stated that “Students should join because Dewey students are really vocal with opinions and very open about what they believe in and are very knowledgeable with certain topics.”

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This club is a free place for everyone. They give everyone the opportunity to speak and share whatever they’d like, and it’s a safe place for them to feel welcomed and open about their culture.

Another club is the Culinary Club, which is a very popular club around the school. The advisor of the club, Ms. Chan, explained she created the club for students who don’t have culinary class to make and enjoy their own food, taste recipes outside of their comfort zone. Her goal for the club was for students to expand their food palette. This club is a complete safe space for everyone, Ms. Chan has a great relationship with many students and always makes sure they feel comfortable.

Anime club is a completely new club just like Model UN. Culinary teacher Mr.Yung started this club to spread the enjoyment of anime and Japanese culture. He was part of an anime club in his previous school and enjoyed the company of his students. “One of my friends used to watch anime and sadly passed away, I wanted to spread the love for anime that he had to others.”

Mr. Yung’s goal for the club was to create a safe space for every anime lover to find people to talk to and join a community that shares similar interests. “No matter any race or background, anyone can talk about anime. I believe there is an anime for everyone.” A member of the club, junior Jeniya Tirado said that “It’s fun, we get to discuss inside and outside of the club, make new friends and talk about anything. I wanted to find a place where I can make new friends and socialize.”

A club that has been in the spotlight for a good amount of time is the gardening club, advised by Mr. Moody, the science and reading teacher. He became the advisor of the club because he always wanted to garden and he likes to cook with fresh produce. “Cooking with fresh produce makes everything taste better, growing food is something I’ve always wanted to do. I wished to be a part of the process, volunteering at community gardens, learning how to compost and how great it is, hoping to bring that community to Dewey.”

The gardening club’s goal is to take care of their health by eating healthy and delicious meals, connecting with others and caring for the environment. “It’s fun to experience the magic of seeing a plant grow, enjoying the beauty and taste and share cultures with each other. Something we would often do is harvest plants and learn about specific foods that involve that certain plant, learn about dishes through culture and family origins.” The club is very safe, Mr. Moody is an open minded person, he’s always been taught to be kind and respectful.

At John Dewey, there are a lot of special and amazing students. Many teachers and staff members know how stressful school is and doesn’t want kids to experience that stress. A good way to relax and relieve that stress is hanging out with friends after school or just socializing- and clubs are a great way to do that!

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