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The Student News Site of John Dewey High School

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The Dragon's Den

The astonishing impact of John Dewey’s Clubs

The skate club with their advisor, Mr. Moody and some of the members. (Courtesy: Instagram, @johndeweybk)

Doesn’t matter if this is your first year in John Dewey or your last, you’ve probably heard of the clubs that this school offers. But what exactly do these clubs offer and why do students like them so much?

High School is considered as the time for self discovery and these clubs provide a safe space to explore new interests and talents or expand existing ones. Whether it’s extracurricular activities like skating, or mentally engaging like chess, John Dewey offers it all for students. And this is the reason that so many students enjoy clubs. You’re basically offered the ability to do whatever you enjoy with friends without having to leave the school or do any unnecessary planning. I say this since for many students, living far away from friends can be a huge issue when it comes to hanging out after school, and that’s where school clubs step in as a solution. Instead of conversations including questions like “Whose house?” or “Which park?”, and then that hour long train ride, it’s simply “See you at the club!”.

Now, it might seem pretty difficult to make new friends when you walk in through those intimidating scanners and wait in that huge line for the first time. That usually happens every time you go to a new school or place, and its up to you how you build new friendships. But in this article about clubs, here’s the good news: clubs also help with this issue. Who would’ve thought, right? Here, the club’s activities are known for their inclusivity. You’ll always feel engaged, thus making it easier to strike up conversations with new people. In fact, clubs almost guarantee that you’ll start new friendships. My point is that when you’re surrounded by like minded people who share your interests, making friends becomes effortless.

Can’t forget the learning aspect of clubs too! I’ve personally experienced this myself, thinking I was fairly good at skating until I joined the Skate Club. After joining, I was pretty involved with skating, it motivated me to reinforce the tricks I already had, and it eventually opened my eyes to a whole new world of things that I could learn. That’s pretty much a common experience for many students.

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You might be curious about what keeps students engaged in clubs beyond the regular school hours and sometimes even inspires them to put in extra effort? Well, the answer varies from one club to another, as each club has its own unique set of activities. According to junior Nazifa Nubah, the co-founder of the Model UN Club, “I want people who are genuinely interested in debate and advocating to have a chance to speak up and share their thoughts.” which really summarizes why students appreciate clubs, you are able to engage in conversations and activities that align with your interests and passions. One remarkable aspect of clubs is that they’re primarily run and created by students themselves. Meaning the members or the founders of the club have a direct say in shaping the activities and the direction of their chosen clubs. So if you have a specific suggestion which has not yet been represented in the club, you are more than free to offer and add activities.

Clubs/Student Activities – Club/Student Activities – John Dewey High School

Pictured: The Rubik’s Cube Club. If you’re seeking  a mental challenge, then this club would be perfect.

(Courtesy: Instagram, @johndeweybk)

Colleges, something that constantly takes up space in our minds while we are in high school. You want to present the best side of yourself, both in terms of academics and your character. Clubs come into play here too. Being part of a club not only showcases your interests but also demonstrates your eagerness to learn and contribute to your school and community.

Now if the school does not yet offer a club of your interest, you are always going to be able to start one.  One student example of this is the club leader of Model UN, senior Meishan Manuel. After watching a show with Model UN in it, she thought it was fun and then she noticed that John Dewey never had a Model UN club and decided to change that. However, it does take commitment. As she stated, “The process was very long”, “We had to reach out to administration and speak to a bunch of people and once we did it, we got approved, and gained 10 members.” Although the process seems a little tough, it is worth it. As she believes, “It was honestly one of the best feelings ever, knowing Dewey gives us an opportunity to create things we like and enjoy.” and many others agree.

For more information regarding starting a club you can contact Robert Butler here.

In general, clubs come highly recommended for all these compelling reasons. They make you enjoy school, you prepare for colleges, meet new people, expand your knowledge on any interest, and most importantly, you have fun! If these benefits resonate with you, why not give clubs a try and unlock the world of possibilities they offer?

Join any club now by following this link and filling out the form!

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