When it comes to mental health awareness, oftentimes we think about the students and disregard the adults who advocate the daily struggles of life. At John Dewey High School, there are over 100 teachers who have feelings like any normal person. They may teach with every bone in their body but we never know how their mind works outside of teaching. How do they feel? How was their day? Did I do something to affect them? Some may argue it’s none of their business while others may say it’s not in their job description to vent. Kindness is rare these days so every second counts.
There are times when teachers believe teaching is not for them due to the hardships they face and there are times where they surprise themselves and teaching is far more significant to them. Each individual goes through something in their career that may be hard to control or direct but in the end it is them who stand strong and try their best to move forward while only looking back to reflect.
“I’ve never thought of quitting and I’ll tell you why, it’s because of the students. I come here everyday and they give me so much energy and drive. I see them smiling and I see them laughing and dancing and I’m driven to keep doing what I’m doing,” Said Ms Adele, Principal of JDHS.
Being a principal for only a couple years, Ms Adele has nourished throughout her teaching career and she is continuing that path with a bigger role. Her students are her pride and joy but the transition from teacher to principal was a struggle.
“Adjusting my rules, my lense, my relationships with my colleagues was something that I had to learn. Through the support of the administration, the students, and the teachers, I was able to adjust them to my new rules. But the transitioning rules were very hard.”
Opening up to a new position is something anyone would struggle with but do most people consider this? Students often see their principals as another adult but what they don’t see is the amount of effort and struggle they go through to make sure their students have a good school life for the 4 years they are in JDHS.
Between emotional and logical decisions, teachers tend to make logical based decisions but everything roots from emotion in the end.
“Both. Initially my reactions are more triggered by my emotions and then I have to process them logically and talk myself off a ledge because I’m supposed to be the adult in the room,” Said Ms Devincenzo, English teacher.. “That does mess with your mental a little bit.”
“Everything is tied with emotion…I feel like they’re so intertwined…I’m gonna make the decision that makes me happiest. That’s a logical thought but it’s also dictated on my emotions,” Said Mr Sands, Computer Engineering teacher.
The crucial moments where students are openly rude to their teachers, it is the adults duty to be respectful and handle the situation in an adequate manner but regardless, students might still hurt their feelings. Due to policy, they are unable to defend themselves to a certain extent. They cannot truthfully speak their mind so they will keep those feelings bottled up but it is for their better and the students better that they treat the matter calmly and logically rather than emotionally.
Even so, there are students who attempt to speak to their teachers.
“I would try but I wouldn’t know what to do or say. I’m only a student after all,” Said Emily Persad, Senior at JDHS.
Most may not know how to comfort their teachers during difficult times but teachers will always appreciate the effort. Not all teachers get the chance to settle down and speak their mind freely.
Nevertheless, teachers tend to stick to the good in people because they want a positive environment.
“My kids inspire me everyday. I admire you guys and I see the best in you,” Said Ms Devincenzo.
Although there are hardships, teachers move towards their goals and they know what’s best for themselves. It is their duty to teach and provide. During teachers appreciation week at JDHS, teachers are bombarded with the kindest messages and although it may seem that your messages aren’t significant, have some faith in yourself because they are. You know never know, your simple sweet message could have given them the motivation to get through the week on a good note.
Be kind to your teachers and everyone else around you. Kindness goes a long way.