The Dragon's Den

The Student News Site of John Dewey High School

The Dragon's Den

The Dragon's Den

Midday School Prayers

Accommodating the Muslim Students Daily Prayers

Have you seen Muslim students in the halls with a mat doing some type of supplication during periods six and seven? 

This observation makes us question “what are they doing?”. To answer this question, the students are praying. This prayer is called the Zuhr salah (prayer). It is the afternoon prayer that is performed midday.

The athan (the call for prayer) is between 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. Passing by these students, noticing them praying on time and prioritizing their salah is highly commendable. However, John Dewey High School does not seem to have a space for these students to pray and have privacy. Because these students are resembling a display of respect for their religion, the school should show respect for these students and make accommodations.

Deans pass by, monitoring the halls and allow these students to carry out their prayers in confined spaces but don’t seek out an empty room for them. Neither do any of the high authority members of our school, make it possible for these students to pray in a private area in the school.

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What is the alternative? 

 The school can provide a multipurpose room for the students. There are many empty rooms that aren’t being occupied during these periods.   

For example, the mindfulness room is a room that can be also used to accommodate the students who pray. This space can be utilized during the period of prayer time. As I spoke with MSA (Muslim Students Associations) coordinator, Mr.Rahim, explained the DOE policy and state policy is that when you are in an institution public school,  they can not favor one religion over another. When a request came for a specific room, it wouldn’t be satisfied specifically because of the ruling. There has to be separation between church and state. To elevate that, the school is in the works of finding a space where they can practice mindfulness.

Regarding prayer, if a student wants to pray in the hallway or even outside they have the legal right to do so. He has noticed this issue since last year. Rahim has said, “I have been trying to get some type of space for the students. The administration and the school are aware and want to find a solution. I spoke with lawyers to help us and also students to work with them to create a safe space for the students to observe their daily prayer.” He wants the mindfulness room to be used as a room to pray in. It must not interfere with the days and period times the room is being used for. 

Another dean, Mr.Danticat, provided perspective from the opposing point of view regarding why there shouldn’t be a room for these students. He said “It’s not supposed to be religion in schools. If you accommodate one group, you have to accommodate everybody.”

However, this shouldn’t apply because these students deserve to have their respect for their religion to pray their daily prayer in the school, since it happens during school hours. “It’s nice to see the muslims finding a way to adjust to prayer in school. They found the teachers not giving them a room to pray so they adjusted.” Although the observation of adjusting may seem to be “nice”, it can also be seen as upsetting, due to the fact that the school has the means to provide a space for these students. 

Similarly to what Mr.Danitact said, Mr. Abdullah, another dean at JDHS, has also noticed students in the halls. He patrols the halls personally to make sure no other students disturb the praying students or give them any type trouble. Mr. Abduallah understands the challenges that may come along with trying to get a space for students to pray- however he believes “the challenge is worth fighting for”. 

Dewey is giving their best effort to come up with a system for the students. It is still a work in progress but it is one step closer to change being made. Our school has never been one which incorporates religion, but it’s time to change what we are accustomed to and are familiar with. Staying in the same place is just the safe option. Making the change is scary but it doesn’t imply unfavorable results. It is just different. Instead of sticking to what the school knows, the school should take the risk of beginning change. 

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