FRC 333 The Megalodons 2024 Crescendo Robot Hammer-Head
An event that many are thrilled for is FRC (First Robotics Competition). John Dewey High School was given the opportunity to host Robo Replay for the 3rd year in a row, with this year being the first 2 day event; featuring this year’s featured game, ‘CRESCENDO’.
With their school’s robotics team being the oldest team in New York City, it is their pleasure to host this event. After school on October 18th, many people from other teams and organizations including our very own John Dewey students came to help prepare the field for this event, staying in the school until 11P.M at night.

Hammer-Head Scoring a Note into the Speaker
Robo Replay consists of 18 teams that came to compete. Everyone ranging from New York to Connecticut came to this event in hopes of bringing a trophy home.
John Dewey’s FRC TEAM 333 ‘The MEGALODONS’ participated in this event with 2 robots: HammerHead (2024 season project), and Sweet Tooth (2023 offseason project). Sweet Tooth took the place of another team that didn’t show up, the 3004 Bronx Knights.
By the first day ‘The MEGALODONS’ were ranked 10th and 11th. By the end of the second day, they were ranked 6th (alliance captain) and Sweet Tooth ranked 13. The drive team consisted of potential next season drivers, despite facing issues with the robot mechanically and electrically failing during the qualification matches, the driver and operator still powered through and made it to the playoffs.
Unfortunately, the school’s home team FRC 333 could not take the victory home, they were knocked out in the lower bracket. Their last match was brutal as every robot in their alliance lost communication and could not score any points.

Hammer-Head and FRC 3419 the Rohawks on the field before the match start The teams that came out victorious were FRC TEAM 694 ‘StuyPulse’ (Stuyvesant High School), FRC TEAM 1796 ‘RoboTigers’ (Queens Tech High School) and FRC TEAM 9998 ‘RedHawk Robotics’ (High School for CTEA).
During Robo Replay there was a snack sale hosted by mentors from ‘The MEGALODONS’. With the sale being hosted outside the big gym, this made it very convenient for visitors and students boosting our sales. ‘The MEGALODONS’ also hosted workshops that were available during both days of the event. The team assisted numerous students with ‘CADDING’ (Computer Aided designing) along with other teams. FRC 333 was also granted the Gracious Professionalism Award and the Volunteer Award was given to Fillipo Dispenza, the lead mentor of FRC Team 333.
At the end of the day, winning isn’t the objective of this event. It’s an event where students from all teams show their current successes and accomplishments, which helps give teams insight into how they may potentially perform in their upcoming season. Hopefully, in the future there will be more opportunities for John Dewey Robotics to host more 2-day events like the 2024 Robo Replay.