As Dewey students prepare themselves for adulthood, and its staff reflect on the presidential election, many are considering their political stances and the importance of politics in their relationships.The 2024 presidential election has sparked trivial conflicts, division, and controversy among families due to separate political views and has ended several friendships.
“It’s better to listen and understand where people are coming from.” Ms. Lang, a social studies teacher said.
Politics in general, can be a very sensitive topic in certain households, relationships, work spaces and schools because of its divisive nature.
“The election didn’t cause any conflict because we don’t talk about it.” Jane He, a senior, said,“It’s like Voldemort, ‘He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’.”
Others at Dewey, who are exploring their own political views tend to surround themselves with peers that share the same political outlooks.
“The recent presidential election hasn’t put a strain on my relationship with any of my friends or relations because we all have similar political views.” Kirsten Ucciardi, a senior said.
Conversely, others are able to maintain relationships with people of the opposing political stance.
“For friends, some of us are not on the same page politically so we agree to create separate threads to talk without alienating anyone.” Lang said.
Unfortunately, people tend to get treated differently for having unpopular opinions. However, the general consensus amongst the school community is that no one should be ostracized for their political views and their overall opinions.
“If people get out of relationships because the other person doesn’t have similar opinions…it doesn’t let ideas spread and can make a society homogeneous which is boring.” He said.
The latter is also apparent- others believe that it depends on the moral drives of the candidate and the voter.
“It really depends, given the very intense political nature of our country.” Tomaris Hotami, a senior said, “More specifically, following a political figure known for his active role in trying to take away certain people’s rights, truly leaves no room for ‘Oh we can simply just put this past us’. It is definitely fair to be cautious of who you hang around as certain political beliefs clash with a person’s morality.”
Although it’s important to speak about how being excluded affects others, it’s essential to think about how we would feel if it happened to us.
“I wouldn’t feel that great if I was ostracized because of my political stance. I don’t think we should be discriminated against…we should be able to understand each other’s opinions and live peacefully.” Denae Allen, a student said.
We’re all obligated to have our own opinions and should be able to practice our beliefs without facing oppression and social discrimination for it. As we grow as a society, we may want to consider being more tolerant so that our intolerance doesn’t result in hatred and the destruction of personal relationships.