The Dragon's Den

The Student News Site of John Dewey High School

The Dragon's Den

The Dragon's Den

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The life of a working high school student

Bilal Ahmed and Damirjon Samarov January 19, 2024

In this day of age many high school students are forced to have a job to cover for their financial struggles/needs. While they are earning money to support themselves and their needs; Doing a job alongside...

JDHS Senior, Jolie Lei

Moving across the country

Meishan Manuel, Contributor January 19, 2024

During my Junior year, I met Jolie Lei, a current John Dewey High School senior. We have been friends for half a year and I never knew much about her life until recently. I learned that she moved from...

#1 Singles Starter, Calvin Wong

Finalized, yet driven Senior achieves 4th place in the Badminton Individual City Championships

Aaron Wang and Calvin Wong January 18, 2024

Badminton can be derived from one word: toughness. Some might say that badminton is a less drainful sport but it is far more than that. A sport that can go through 351 mph is something hard to achieve...

Pumpkin Crème Brulee (French dessert) made by the culinary club students.

Spotlight: JDHS Culinary Arts Program

Sophia Shi, Contributor January 17, 2024

How often do you cook for yourself? Eating takeout from fast food restaurants shouldn't be happening daily. It contains highly inexpensive ingredients that aren't healthy for our bodies. Studies have also...

Dewey students involved with the restoration project taking a quick break to pose for a group picture

Dewey Students teams up with New York Restoration project to better the campus

Jia Kai Hu, Contributor January 17, 2024

Recently, the New York Restoration Project has started to collaborate with Dewey and is giving Dewey a hand in making it a greener environment than it already is. It's early November, and their building...

A vintage photo of The Key of Knowledge between the years 1970-1971. (Courtesy: the JDHS Archives website)

The Facsinating Meaning Behind “The Key to Knowledge” Statue

Michael Dziuba January 17, 2024

Have you ever pondered about the meaning of the weird abstract statue, which everyone uses as a comfy sitting spot in front of the school? Sure, it's there for decoration, the campus is huge after all....

Nurses Office, Room 139

Enhance Your Experience in the Medical Field by Taking Part in this Opportunity!

E'zoza Hatamova January 17, 2024

John Dewey offers many extracurricular programs to its students. Programs like volunteering services, internships, after school clubs, and much more. There´s one activity that many students don't know...

Model UN Advisor Mr. Mohan with a member of the club, Jolie Lei.

Club Closeup!

Solange Stewart November 17, 2023

Clubs at John Dewey have skyrocketed in comparison to last year, as they've certainly have sparked more conversation this year. Someone can easily get overwhelmed with the many choices. Each more different...

Tech, Tradition, and Education with Mrs. McDonald

Shohina Mirodiloeva, Contributor November 13, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, education is evolving to meet the needs of a tech-savvy generation. Using various teaching methods and technology in the classroom has become an essential part of modern education....

Sneak-Peek Into College Majors

Sneak-Peek Into College Majors

Jinglin Wu Wu and Shreeya Thakur November 13, 2023

For many, college is the next stage of their career, setting a pathway to their future lives and goals. For many, the choice of their college or major affects their entire being, from their careers to...

The Legacy Project (OneGoal)

Diyor Mamatkulov, Contributor November 13, 2023

In today's competitive college admissions scene, preparing has become more critical than ever. OneGoal is a gateway to preparing for college and serves as a pivotal stepping stone for students aiming to...

JDHS Teacher Mr. Mohan.

Being a new teacher at John Dewey

Meishan Manuel, Contributor November 13, 2023

Over the years John Dewey High School has gained a lot of new faces. As you may know, every year you'd usually see a teacher you've never heard of on your schedule and wonder to yourself  "Who is this?"...

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