The Dragon's Den

The Student News Site of John Dewey High School

The Dragon's Den

The Dragon's Den

Respect for all week in JDHS

Lissette Chan and Nicole Fedak March 12, 2024

Respect for all week is an event where everyone across schools to stop bullying and treat each other with respect and kindness. The week takes place in the month of February in which each day has a specific...

Dewey introduces successful JDs Place Internship

Dewey introduces successful JD’s Place Internship

Amelie Shiro, Contributor March 12, 2024

On February 7th,  the first JD's Place internship was hailed as a stunning success after a spectacular Valentine 's-themed restaurant event featuring delectable Italian cuisine such as (insert dish names...

Deweys help on job placement

Dewey’s help on job placement

Diya Hossain and Sofia Chowdhury January 22, 2024

Have you ever wanted to prepare yourself for future careers as a high schooler but confused how to do so? That may be because you find yourself with a lack of knowledge of various job opportunities...

College application tips

College application tips

Nancy Jimenez Luna, Contributor January 22, 2024

It's the event that makes senior year stressful for most students here at John Dewey. Applying to college is one step closer to stepping into the real world and becoming adults. So it's goodbye to school...

Photo of Lorenzo hall, a building containing offices on St Josephs Brooklyn campus.

Dewey’s trip to St Joseph’s University

Lissette Chan, Contributor January 19, 2024

On December 5, a group of students from John Dewey High School were allowed to visit the campus of St Joseph's university. St Joseph's University, a university founded in New York state in 1916 by the...

Local deli prices at United Express Deli & Grill.

Buying breakfast in the morning

Sonam Sherpa, Contributor January 18, 2024

Whether you are a student or a teacher, buying breakfast can be a bit on the costly side. This is the case, especially for students who don’t have a job or a source of income. So how can students afford...

Gardening Club watering the plants after school.

Recycling & Gardening at Dewey

Cindy Lam Sien, Contributor January 18, 2024

What times have the idea of recycling crossed your mind? If not often, what are your thoughts on recycling at your school? At the Gardening Club, Students compost with food scraps, grow vegetables, sell...

Flyer promoting Yearbook Committee Week, which took place from  11/13-11/17.

Senior Yearbook news

Vin Guan, Contributor January 17, 2024

As Seniors reach the end of their year of John Dewey High School, many wonder how the yearbook will have captured their experience for the 2023-2024 school year. Yearbooks capture some of the most significant...

View from the entrance of Hartwick college

Legacy Project: Hartwick College trip!

Valerie Torres and Michelle Salas January 17, 2024

The Legacy Project is a class run by Mr. Personette to help you with all your college needs. And part of this is going on trips to tour colleges to get the real feel of what it would be like if you were...

Guests gathered around to listen to presentation on different programs.

Recap on Dewey’s Open House

Israel Cardoso and Barbara Martinez January 17, 2024

Come all come forth, witness all of John Dewey’s success right before your very eyes!  Dewey recently hosted an open house on November 18th to show how much fun the school can be. From promoting...

Students at JDHS CollegeBound meeting

Deadline, Deadlines; The life of the first semester Senior

Alissah Augustin, Contributor January 17, 2024

There is a century-old rumor that the hardest year of high school is junior year, but I think any senior navigating the college application process would disagree. Seniors face the demeaning task of having...

Nurses Office, Room 139

Enhance Your Experience in the Medical Field by Taking Part in this Opportunity!

E'zoza Hatamova January 17, 2024

John Dewey offers many extracurricular programs to its students. Programs like volunteering services, internships, after school clubs, and much more. There´s one activity that many students don't know...

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