The Dragon's Den

The Student News Site of John Dewey High School

The Dragon's Den

The Dragon's Den

softball equipment.

Upcoming Year for Girls Softball at JDHS

Isabella Navedo March 1, 2024

As the spring season comes up and the weather outside warms up, it is now time for outdoor sports to come back around.  One of the sports coming back here at John Dewey is the girls softball team.  As...

Flag Football at John Dewey

Flag Football at John Dewey

Isabella Navedo, Contributor January 22, 2024

Out of the sports that are currently offered at John Dewey High School, many students have questioned why there isn't an American football team.  American football being the most popular sport in the...

#1 Singles Starter, Calvin Wong

Finalized, yet driven Senior achieves 4th place in the Badminton Individual City Championships

Aaron Wang and Calvin Wong January 18, 2024

Badminton can be derived from one word: toughness. Some might say that badminton is a less drainful sport but it is far more than that. A sport that can go through 351 mph is something hard to achieve...

JDHS Boys Varsity Team after Curtis win

The Predominance of the JDHS Boys Soccer Team

Kareem Hussein January 18, 2024

In the 2023 fall season of high school soccer, teams from various NYC high schools such as John Dewey High School, Abraham Lincoln High School, New Utrecht High School, Fort Hamilton High School, and various...

The boy team table tennis practices for their upcoming games. Photo from

Excitement Builds as John Dewey High School Gears Up for Winter Table Tennis Season

Daniel Lu and Jia Xing Deng January 18, 2024

As winter approaches, John Dewey High School eagerly anticipates the arrival of its seasonal table tennis teams, led by two dedicated coaches, Coach Gross for the boys and Coach Moody for the girls. In...

A wrestler from the 2022-2023 season, Herminio Sanchez in the midst of a matchup.

Wrestling: A Journey of Challenges, Triumphs, and Unyielding Motivation

Nozima Burhanova, Dearborn Brown, and Mohammed Ibrahim January 17, 2024

Have you ever thought of what kind of person joins wrestling? The wrestling team is easy to join, with the team having its biggest roster in the history of the program this year. Practice is on Monday,...


Is Junior Varsity Important in High School Sports?

Kareem Hussein, Contributor November 13, 2023

Throughout NYC high schools, competition varies from sport to sport whether it be soccer, basketball, football, e-sports, etc. These activities bring students together in order to defeat other teams from...

Courtesy: Pixabay

The Lack of Sports in John Dewey

Arsenii Skliar, Contributor November 13, 2023

John Dewey High School offers a wide variety of sports for students to participate in, but some of the sports that other schools offer, such as Boys Volleyball, Baseball, and Football- Dewey doesn’t...

The girls take a moment during practice to listen to Coach Barkley.

Girls Soccer: Quest to make Playoffs

Sarah Gonzalez and Sonam Sherpa November 13, 2023

The score was now 2-2. The pouring rain drenched the players as they only had 3 minutes left on the clock. This game would determine if the girls soccer team would qualify for the playoffs. The loud cheers...

Badminton. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons

Badminton Girls Team strategically plans in hopes of succeeding their season

Calvin Wong November 10, 2023

Sports all across the world are pretty famous but a pretty uncommon yet intriguing, fastest racket sport in the world, Badminton, has encouraged not only adults but students to persevere from point to...

JDHS boys badminton

Sophia Shi, Contributor November 10, 2023

"Badminton is not just a sport..."  Badminton can be a fun yet competitive sport. It can get more intense than you think and is considered a racket sport that contains different positions including...

Comparison between the 2022 and 2023 girls soccer fall season stats

JDHS soccer girls make a comeback

Michelle Perez November 10, 2023

In early February, Coach Barkley started recruitment for the girls' soccer team. Flyers go up all over the school, inviting girls with no prior experience to join the upcoming season. As we have a set...

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